Coalition Opposing New Gas Stations




Other news…..

By the end of 2023, six of the nine cities in Sonoma County have enacted permanent prohibitions on new gas stations. Only Cloverdale, Healdsburg, and the City of Sonoma have yet to adopt an ordinance. Please contact us if you live in one of those cities and would like to help. For more, read our 2023 End-of-Year Report.

Active gas station proposals: There are only two active gas station proposals that were “in the pipeline” prior to the relevant ordinance being passed in Santa Rosa. They are at 43 Middle Rincon Road and 874 North Wright Road in Santa Rosa. If you would like to help us defeat those proposals, please contact us:

New Gas station prohibition news…

On Tuesday March 14, 2023, Sonoma County became the first county in the United States to prohibit the construction of new gasoline stations within its jurisdiction. (That is most of the land in Sonoma County)

Read the News Release

For more info, email:

In other news…

Gas Station Updates

Monthly New Gas Station Prohibition Ordinance Updates

Congratulations to No Gas Here and others in Petaluma for defeating the Safeway Petaluma Gas proposal. Read all about it!
And THANK YOU Petaluma for being the first city in the U.S. to prohibit new gas stations! Read all about it!

Our mission is to stop the construction of new gas stations.

CONGAS stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and all who oppose racism and are fighting police brutality. Read more about the connection between gasoline use and social injustice here.

Below is a map of defeated and pending gas station proposals in Sonoma County:


Thanks to everyone who helped stop the gas station proposal at Highway 12 & Llano Road! Our June 18, 2020 action was covered in the Press Democrat and it was a big contributor to the developer’s decision to withdraw the proposal on July 2, 2020. We express gratitude to the developer for responding to the voice of the community. For archived documents related to this effort, please visit THIS PAGE created by our friends at Sebastopol Climate Action.

Please add your name and/or organization to our growing list of supporters by filling out THIS FORM.

Click HERE for a map of the gas station proposals we are opposing, or have defeated.



Please contact us to find out how you can help

There are currently three gas station proposals in Sonoma County. In the midst of a global climate crisis with local impacts already being felt, this is not a wise investment.

CONGAS meets online on a monthly basis. If you would like to attend a meeting, please email us.

Contact Us

4 thoughts on “CONGAS

  1. Niki R.

    I’m in Stanislaus County, CA and they’re trying to put a gas station next to my neighborhood. The closest pump will be 300 feet from the closest home.
    They just released the plan to pass the initial study with mitigation. I am sick that a gas station will be so close to my kids. What steps can we take to fight this?

  2. Twyla Dell, Ph.D.

    Congratulations! I didn’t know about you and your mission. I am a climate activist, author and publisher. My new book, my 7th, will be published and available in the next two weeks: GOODNIGHT GASOLINE.
    It is patterned after the children’s classic GOODNIGHT MOON. In my work I only concentrate on stopping burning gasoline.

  3. Connie Palmer Smalley

    I send my congratulations to you folks residing in Petaluma/Sonoma Co from someone who views herself as an environmentalist – imitating CA’ actions to curtail environmental pollution by fossil fuels – 10 years ago I put solar panels of my roof to bring both hot water and electricity to my home. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only single family home to have both types of solar panels installed on my roof top. I take pride in my initiative. So I hope your city ban will be the beginning of a movement state wide, and may we hope, the nation. It has to begin somewhere, and California should lead the way as it has done for so many other environmental issues.

    PS. I lived in LA from 1953 to September, 1995 when my husband & I chose Madison, Wi. for our new residence.


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